Uber Driver . . .#7

This week leaves me a little troubled. Yesterday’s news said that the BBB (Better Business Bureau) had rated Uber an “F” as Uber had some 90 unresolved complaints. Now, using simple logic one has to believe  the complaints to be bogus from the start. Even at the highest “surge” pricing, it is hard to believe that a Rider was actually charged $710.00 for a nine mile ride. A few other complaints had equally ridiculous prices as the reason for the complaint. But, I ask you as a reasonable human being . . . If you were to be a business that sold items for say, usually less than $100.00 and suddenly you saw a charge for $710.00, wouldn’t you recognize an error had occurred? I talk with most if not all my riders. I ask them how they feel about Uber. I ask if they have ever had problems with Uber. To date not a single rider has ever described having any difficulties as described in the information noted by the BBB. I have not heard a single complaint about not getting prompt response from Uber Support. I suspect these complaints are possibly harassment from those seeking to bring discredit to Uber. I cannot guarantee this as I have not seen or had to act to correct any of the noted complaints myself, but if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it is likely a duck . . .

Let me tell you about a couple interesting riders this week. You meet a lot of interesting folks driving an Uber Car, lots of them:

I met Joe a few days back. He is a partner of “California Happy Homes” which is a Real Estate Broker and General Contractor providing services throughout the San Francisco Bay Area.  These guys are licensed, bonded, and insured. They can do whatever needs to be done to fix up your home as well as help you sell it, or help you buy and fix it. They offer competitive pricing, and the balance is not due until you are satisfied with the work done. Plus they donate a percentage of the projects proceeds to a school or charity of your choice, in your name.




PHONE: 415-994-4394      www.californiahappyhomes.com    californiahappyhomes@yahoo.com 

Ask for Joe! Tell him Rich sent you.

Have you ever met an Opera Singer? Have you ever met an Opera Singer in an Uber Car? I have! As I said, I am social and like to talk with my riders. When this gal tells me she is an Opera Singer, she gave me surprise as I never thought of celebrity of any sort riding in my car. Of course, why wouldn’t celebrity ride in an Uber Car. You do, why wouldn’t they.


Don Giovanni at the Creativity Theatre (by Mozart)

Waffle Opera – waffleopera.com

Shows October 24th & 25th – November 1st & 2nd

Visit their site at http://waffleopera.com  or email info@waffleopera.com for additional details

I have had a pretty good week. Met a lot of folks, including this next guy with a laugh you can sink your teeth into. ( I know, corny, but I am not a professional ) This next guy is a managing partner I believe, for a place called “Doc Ricketts” which is a restaurant/club with a theme based on Doc Ricketts. You will either have to visit the restaurant or Google  “Doc Ricketts” for the historical data that informs you what Doc Ricketts contributions to history was to earn such a following.

The restaurant serves an excellent menu of fine food while the underground venue of “Doc’s Lab” serve a variety of cool entertainment such as Big Band music on Sunday and Monday I believe. Tuesday & Wednesday are for the Comedians to entertain you, and the rest of the week is live music by select excellent bands making for a full week of cool entertainment

Doc Ricketts

Cuisine, Culture, Community

124 Columbus Ave. – San Francisco, CA – 415-649-6191

http://docrickettssf.com or http://docslabsf.com for additional details

Dinner starts at 5:00PM and Show starts at 7:00PM

Tell Charlie Brown that Rich in the Uber Car sent you. It won’t get you anything extra, I just want folks to tell him that I suggested they visit there.

Okay, the last bit of interesting info from my life as a Uber Driver . . . Last night a couple gents tried to take another guys Uber Car during a moment of confusion in front of one of the clubs. The situation was discovered and after driving the duo almost to the location they wanted to go to, I took a U-Turn dropping the duo back at the pick-up point where I loaded the proper rider after asking the gents to get out of my car.

You know, there is rude and then there is outright offensive conduct. Trying to snag someone else’s Uber Car fits the “outright offensive” type of conduct. Not only are you stealing or defrauding the intended rider, but you are likely putting a negative influence upon their otherwise excellent night of partying as they have to wait for the ride that was intended for them. If you need a ride, schedule your own Uber Car.  My apologies to the young couple inconvenienced by this situation. As an additional note, the inconvenienced couple was both very understanding and cooperative throughout this situation. I have asked Uber to refund the charges made in error for the guys that tried to snag their car and note the refund made.

That’s it for this week folks . . .

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