Why Is There Poverty In America?

I know, what kind of question is that? Everybody knows there’s some that have and others that don’t but why is there some that got nothing? Our current pandemic has opened my eyes to our governments failure to do for their citizens. Billions and billions more has been handed out to America to stimulate the…

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This is getting real stupid if  you ask me,  which of course you didn’t.  Regardless, isn’t it about time we quit screwing around and identify the responsible parties and countries for this Covid-19 pandemic?  If an accident happened, how did it happen? I may be leaning towards one of the conspiracy theories out there in…

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Is it normal for grown adults to be so wrapped up being Anti-Trump that they have a melt-down whenever somebody doesn’t share their opinion? I have a neighbor that gets so hyped up standing on his Anti-Trump soapbox that he is close to need of being restrained and sedated.  Sure President Trump is not your…

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Okay, Let’s Talk About Comcast . . .

Comcast is undeniably the best Television/Internet connection in the Northern Bay Area in California. While I cannot really complain about those services, I can complain about damn near everything else Comcast. Their billing practices are close to criminal and their Management leaves plenty to be desired. A couple years ago I bought a boat over…

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I Cannot Believe I Am Sticking Up For Trump Again . . .

As I cruise around the Internet reading the news and comments to the news I am amazed at the amount of vocal people there are that don’t know nothing about nothing talking shit about stuff they know little about. For instance. . . Do you think that our government heard about the Covid-19 virus before…

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If It Sounds Too Good To Be Real . . .

If it sounds too good to be real, it is because it isn’t.  This web site offers “Rent to Own” homes. They charge you $1.00 for the first 30 days, then $49.00 per month starting the second month to start your account on their site allowing you to search their “Listings.”  Being the curious type,…

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I Have Been Saying This For Two Years . . .

I have been saying this for close to two years. Kalanick is running the biggest fraud this Country has ever seen, and doing so with the support of government all across the nation. How is this guy getting away with this?

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Piece of Shit People

Ya know, it just amazes me how many people out  there are nothing more than pieces of fecal matter. I mean it!  There are more people out there that are looking for ways to fuck you than there are people that know how to spell the word”integrity.”  Nobody accepts responsibility for their own negligence, nobody…

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Some Politicians Do Not Care About The American Worker

Presently, a whole bunch of politicians are out there posturing and running their lips about how wonderful a President they would make and before you  decide which one you might vote for, ask yourself a question . . . Which of these Presidential  Hopefuls gives a damn about the American Worker. You see, all around…

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Republicans and Democrats unite to promote Uber… and kittens | The Verge

Are our politicians being bought or are they really this stupid! Republicans and Democrats unite to promote Uber… and kittens | The Verge Absolutely any politician that supports Uber, is failing to see the ramifications of allowing Uber to continue. Uber’s plans call for the disruption of all of the “car-for-hire” services. This includes Taxis,…

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