Winter Slump

Riders Please Note, UBER has become pert of the problem

Dear Travis

Please follow me at @uberdrivermiami on twitter!

Dear Travis,

You are a scumbag.

I can’t say you are bad at building a business, you’ve scaled this thing with tremendous growth year after year faster than any business from Shark Tank, but you are still a narcissistic, and self-loathing liar; taking advantage of those you call ‘partners’ every step of the way. You got this going from the ground up, and for that, you certainly deserve to be rewarded handsomely…and so far you have, with your multi-billion dollar net worth.  I congratulate you, I sincerely do Travis.  But while you sit there on your billions and continue to grow your business, can you stop fighting me and the other core representatives of your business over what is pennies to you?

Uber Travis Net Worth

You see, I’ve invested more capital into your business over the last year than you have, and its increasingly becoming a…

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